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February 21, 2025
Sweet Baby and a sweet surprise from Elsie Quilts

The label went on, the record page is in my scrapbook, and this one is officially done. It will likely go to Basically Babies, but I like it so much that I might wait to see if someone near has a baby in their near future. It is a panel. I added the borders and find the color combination exciting. A name didn't come to mind so just used the writing on the fabric.

My surprise? This quilt below was made in a class in 2007. The teacher had been with Ricky Tims and was given permission to teach ...

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February 6, 2025
More from absent-minded me from Elsie Quilts

Just noticed that I didn't title my last post nor post the most previous comment. This does not mean I've stopped quilting or that I've had too many birthdays (well, maybe not) but am so booked up with new things that I keep forgetting some of the important necessities.

This past couple of weeks have consisted of dinners, visits, a funeral, meetings, much email, running errands, writing Bible study material, a birthday party for a 100 year-old friend, and having a few unexpected and bizarre things like a dream with a name in it of no one ...

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December 5, 2024
Finally from Elsie Quilts

 After putting fabrics in neat order and moving furniture a tad, I have two quilts done... not too exciting. One is from a panel and the other from some charm squares. The first is "Animal Adventures" and I used a panto called "Animal Crackers" to quilt it.

I was going to call the other one "Found in a Strawberry Patch" but that could offend, so called it "Sweet as a Berry." It is ditch quilted on my Bernina, so that was relaxing.

Both will go to a local group called "Basically Babies" who supply a year's layette for new ...

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June 25, 2020
This 'squirrel' is not a squirrel at all! from Elsie Quilts

Quilters have a name for a project that strikes our fancy and turns us away from everything we are working on. These "I must make this now" projects are "squirrels" - or various other names. I've been working on this one, which is not squirrels at all but five fine Dachshund dogs that used up a few of my scraps.

I did buy the background fabric after doing the design in EQ8, which told me I needed about a yard more then it really needed -- so it wasn't a scrap-buster because my stash became larger! Oh well, who is ...

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June 16, 2020
Growing so Big from Elsie Quilts

Finished this in a few hours. It is much like the last one only it took less time to sew and quilt. I've several more panels for children and do them when the bigger quilts tire me out. It will to to Basically Babies.

Also still working on my 'squirrel' distraction, but other things keep interfering, like cooking, laundry and keeping the house uncluttered. Hubby is good to pitch in but he has been getting calls for work and now has three PCs, four keyboards, and five monitors in his den, plus printer, full-size copier, and you get the ...

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May 29, 2020
Growing So Fast from Elsie Quilts

"Growing So Fast" is a finish using one of the panels that will be given to "Basically Babies" as soon as some of our restrictions are lifted. I added two borders and quilted it densely so it heavy and will hang flat. The bears were left alone so they are puffy and tactile.

Now I'm doing my own variation of Dachshund dogs - long and lean horizontal with their bodies made up of scraps in five different colors. I make the pattern on EQ 8. It was easy even though I changed the dog's face and feet from the ...

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May 2, 2020
Off and On the Longarm... from Elsie Quilts

The baby quilt is finished. A lousy picture, but I'm getting lazy in my old age. It's a panel, added a border, and practiced nine different fillers in the background. Backing is soft flannelette.

The one below is a scrappy quilt made from the leftover pieces for a larger scrappy. It is about 36 x 60 and perfect for practicing. I've never tried feathers before. I'm a coward. However, decided to attack and do some large, free-motion feathers around the outside. There are five blocks in a row and I'm doing them in simple lines ...

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February 14, 2020
Looking forward from Elsie Quilts

Thanks to all for kind comments regarding my situation. Had the worst nosebleed ever and the doc in the ER and I decided it was time to permanently stop taking the blood thinner. It only lessens the chance of a clot/stroke by 5% and I'd rather not spend the rest of my life with a nosebleed nearly every day, or having it packed to stop it. Painful!

My sister's Celebration of Life service was amazing. If such an event can be called glorious, this one was. It honored her, glorified God who gifted her, and produced both ...

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December 9, 2019
An easy finish • Jungle Stuffies from Elsie Quilts

Here is another charity quilt. I've a pile of panels suitable for children that will go to a charity called Basically Babies. They make layettes that will cover one year, including duds, quilts and blankets and even match colors etc. These go to families in need. This one was fun. I added borders to the panel and had fun with the quilting. It was a Panto called Gingersnap, but I added eyes and ears to the concentric circles and made them look like stuffy faces.

I'm also working on a guild challenge quilt. The first person gets a ...

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